Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Passing Away...

In her New York accent with huge blue eye shadow she was always happy to help, smiley, talkative, and all around wonderful! Today I learned that my old visiting teacher passed away. What a lively spirited woman! I'll miss her!

And one of my chickens. Today one of my hens attacked (pecking order thing?) another one of my chickens, and without shedding a drop of blood the one killed the other, maybe she broke her neck? The saddest part was I saw it all happening. I thought, they'll stop fast, but when they didn't, I ran over throwing whatever I could get my hands on as I went, but my bucket didn't fly far enough to discourage the aggressor. As I picked up the faint bird, her eyes fluttered and her head wobbled in my hands, her breath was rapid and I could see she wasn't going to make it. I didn't want to be the one to end her life, so much for being "used" to butchering, I guess I have to sych myself up for that kind of thing, the adrelaline rush I got from trying to save her, didn't lend itself to taking her life the next minute. I buried her under the mulberry tree later in the afternoon (after she had died of "natural" causes), I hope she'll make a nice green spot of grass to have picnics on. And I hope the violence doesn't continue among the hens!


Todd said...

You should have eaten it.


We buried 7 last Saturday. Our dog got to them while we were irrigating. No fun!

Princess Gerty said...

Oh, I am so sad for you... to lose two souls like that.