Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just Me and Ma Boys! And Favors...

Savanah was SO excited to head to girls camp on Thursday, and Ryon flew to Texas on it's just me and my boys. I didn't realize when I was having them what a sense of pride I would feel with all of my strapping boys in tow. They are as perfect as little boys get, extremely well behaved and fun, oh so fun! I took them to a couple stores today and Andrew was in a dancing mood. He did a little dance recital in the main aisle at Old Navy, every once in a while ducking back to laugh his hardy little laugh, and then to jump out and dance his heart out again. He was completely amusing us!
And Eli was so helpful! He always pushes the cart when he goes to the store with me. So, today he tossed 240 pounds of water softener salt onto the Home Depot cart and then pushed it around the store for me (I love it), while Nathaniel pushed the Andrew/Ryon cart (which was empty except one WD-40 can and the rope the boys were buying "because you can do so much with Rope especially if it will hold 244 pounds". I just thought if I was out with boys what better place to end up than Home Depot. What would I have done with a house full of girls? Maybe I'd have learned how to apply finger nail polish without painting half my arm at the same time. Anyway, this is such a precious time!

Ryon's 20th class reunion is this weekend in Texas. He didn't really graduate with this class, but he loved it, so went back this weekend. He called in a bunch of favors...a buddy pass, a ride from Austin to Corpus Christy, a place to stay, and food to eat, so he could party with the class of '89. Maybe I'll make it to my 20 year reunion...if there is such a thing:)!

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