Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break is Over!

I LOVE spring break! It's beautiful here this time of year, and to have the kids home all week, it's the best! Last week we had fun being tourists. We went to the zoo, the capitol museum, Hayden park, ate lots of picnics, rode our bikes, had (little) friends over, and played baseball. It was a fun week! I would post some photos, but I don't really know where my camera is at this moment. I remember Ry Guy being so happy with putting a shirt on our cat while it was sleeping on the couch on the porch and tying a sword to the sleeve of the shirt, so it looked like Garfield was sleeping in the ready to fight he wanted to photograph the scene...but since then I'm not sure of the camera's where abouts.

Savanah hatched out about 8 chicks this week, with the incubator in her does cause her less than restful sleep to have it in her room, we may need to move it now that she needs to get up at 5am for school. The sound of chirping and rolling eggs on wire mesh is a bit distracting during the night.

I've been stressing over our flat roof for years, it needed to be sealed so it wouldn't leak this summer, so Ryon (my knight in shining armor) and Eli (my knight in training) painted a nice thick coat of white elastomeric roof coating all over the roof on Saturday. It still needs one more coat, but my stress is gone:). Home maintenance is one of those things that I just don't seem to be able to ignore. So, I'm so relieved to not have to worry about the roof leaking during monsoon rain storms... I guess as a bit of background, our roof has leaked during rains over the master bedroom, since we moved in (even though it was brand new). So, the thought of all the damage to the ceiling dry wall in the rest of the house has been just way too stressful for me. So, stress all gone, they did a great job, and the white color will reflect the sun and cool the roof and maybe our electric bills will be lower this summer, that's an added perk!

So, even though it's over, and I won't see the kids as much this coming week, spring break was a ton of fun!

Little league baseball games begin Monday. Eli is old enough to be an umpire and he's excited to earn some money working at his brothers' games. Zach and Nathaniel are on the same team this year (the only way Nathaniel would have it), and Andrew and Ry each have their own team. I've been watching the boys at their practices, and it looks like we will see a lot of home runs from them this year! :) Nathaniel is a great catcher and Zach a I will enjoy watching them work together on the field this year! Andrew and Ryon mostly play first base on their respective teams. Baseball season always adds a flurry of activity to our home, but I'm glad the boys work hard as a team (and get their chores done before their games and practices). I'm more organized this year than I have been in the past, so hopefully it will be a fun season, for all of us! :)

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