Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The First Day!

Today was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Empty nest is just around the corner for me, and I see it staring me straight in the face! SO FAST!!! That's all I can say. It took me the first 5 years of motherhood to realize that's all we really get with our little ones these days, and less than that if we chose preschool or early dance or any other number of things that take little ones away from their parents. My first grader is gone from home 10 hours a day nowadays between school and football. I guess it's good and bad. Good for me to realize I won't always have him as my little buddy and bad because he won't always be my little buddy. Andrew asked me the other day if he could bring his kids to my house some times. OF COURSE!!! I'd die if you didn't!

But the sad part of the day aside! It was a lovely day! I wasn't lonely one bit! I was hurrying around like a bee, trying to get my list finished without all my helpers. It was a long list and there's still one unfinished item. I might get it done by the end of the day. I'm aiming for balance in my new life of kids gone to school all day. It's hard not to just do tasks, for me. I need to make sure I take time to be with friends and develop talents and to talk to God. And for me a clean house is a necessity!

Savanah and Zach had a great time visiting my parents in Wisconsin in the beginning of August. They were able to see their cousins in Minnesota and a lot of my cousin's children in Wisconsin. I love my family! They are so great at letting us know they care!

1 comment:

Princess Gerty said...

I am so happy to read this post! I wondered if I was crazy to go out of my way to send Hammy to 1/2 day kindergarten. But, I have loved to have him with me for even part of the day and I know this time with him will go by so fast!

Savanah looks so beautiful--very much like you!