Friday, May 11, 2012

Family Time

Ryon is amazing when it comes to spending time with our children!  On Saturday amidst a myriad of other commitments, he took the 30 minutes he had to dress and shower to swim with the kids for 15 minutes.  When he was done he said, I wrestled with all the boys at the same time and they are getting stronger every day.  I guess he meant, if they didn't get him this time, he's feeling the imminent coming closer every day.  Our boys are turning into men, and if history repeats itself.  They all came to us in 7 years and well, I guess that's the way they will leave our loving arms.  Eli is sure looking like a young man.  I come up to his eye brows now a days (that's with my shoes on).  He says he can see the top of my head... 

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