Friday, May 25, 2012

Florida Part 1

Highlights from our travels.
Uncle Joe picked us up in Orlando at midnight!  Thanks SO much!  We loved our time in your beautiful home, and your parents'!
We visited a sink hole that was surrounded by beautiful old trees covered with Spanish moss.
Millie stayed home from school so we could play together.
We rafted the Ichetucknee with Lacy's family, I think we rented our tubes from the RRRR (Red Neck Raft Rental)...or at least that's what they should have named it!
 The water was beautiful and clear and we got to float for about 2 hours in the beautiful Florida river with our family.

We ate out of Lacy and Joe's garden daily! 
You are the best hostesses, EVER!!
We had so much fun with you!

1 comment:

Jlowryjr said...

Thank you for coming! We had a great time. Glad that Orlando was so much fun too!