Monday, June 21, 2010

Birthday Morning

Land Mark Day...Savanah woke up this morning (her birthday morning) and apparently had had a growth spurt last night, because she is now taller than her mother, even though I had my sandals on. She's 5'8", Ryon told her she's now the 2nd tallest in our family. She's hoping to be a beautiful 6' 2". From photos it looks like I was about 5' 3" when I was her age, a few inches shorter than my 5'5" mother. But I'm feeling like she's still my little girl, no matter how tall she gets.
Savanah requested her birthday breakfast to be white waffles, strawberry compote with fresh heavy whipped cream, hash browns, and eggs with red bell pepper, onion, and spicy hot sausage. Our family enjoyed eating breakfast together and celebrating Savanah! Andrew (6 yrs) offered a prayer on Saturday that included, "and I'm so grateful to have a sister who is turning 14." She's so good to him! And is so loved by all of her brothers and everyone who meets her! Happy Birthday, again Savanah!

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