Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday in Wisconsin

This morning we got up and got dressed for church. But we all forgot about the time change and arrived at church an hour early. That gave us time to go home and my dad gave me a quick tour of the amazing bowls that he turns. At church I saw a lot of familiar faces, but also a lot of people I've only heard my parents refer to in our conversations. It was nice to put faces to their names. The branch is so much larger than it ever was when I lived here as a child. It's good to see it growing!
After church we ate lunch and had some more cheesecake with berry pie, that's my favorite combination so far! My mom keeps us in the desserts! That's for sure!
After lunch we headed to Monroe to visit with my Aunt Laura, Uncle Chris, Aunt Diane, Grandma Dorothy, and cousins Anna & Aaron plus lots of Chris and Laura's grandchildren. I enjoyed seeing everyone again. It's been more than 5 years since I last saw my grandma, that's too long. It was fun to see my cousin Adam's daughter come and say to me. She's my Great Grandma, too, as she realized she and my boys had the same Great Grandmother. I really have a great family!
Eli's team lost on Saturday so their season games are over. Nathaniel and Zach's teams both won, so we'll have 2 more football games next Saturday and then win or lose all of their tackle football seasons will be done.

1 comment:

Princess Gerty said...

Jeanette, I love hearing about your trip "home" and the menu is amazing! We really miss you guys. The kids were very excited for me to read your blog tonight. Let's get together--are you in town for Thanksgiving? Give me a call!